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hacking help

what you need!

project 64 1.6

Helo everybody today we are going to learn how to hack super mario 64 its as easy as pie so lets start but first you need a us super mario 64 ROM iam not uploading this but try as soon as you got what you need you can start!!.

1.HOW TO ADD CODES IN PG64!! This is easy it may seem hard to start with but belive me it will be easyer after you done theese steps
1. click on opions-settings
2. click options on one of the above tabs
3.untick hide advanced settings
now its easy! but first you need a code to add luckily i got one for you!!! here the code to playing as luigi
8107EC38 007F
8107EC40 00FF
8125273E 3FFF
well to add this code first you must run your sm64 rom after its loaded you can start on systum/cheats
2.right click the area where a bunch of default cheats are and slect add new cheat your cheat it can be any thing you can remember even OMGIPW3NDPJ64LOL...yeah
4. now copy your cheat and paste it into the code section. add cheat 6.and your cheat should be with all the default ones
7. tick the box with your cheats name and wham the cheat works and we are playing as luigi!!!